If you are considering parenting you may be thinking things like:
- My partner or spouse doesn’t want the baby but I do.
- How will I finish school?
- How will I continue working?
- Where will I live?
- I don’t have medical insurance.
- I can’t afford a child.
- I’m too young.
- I don’t know how to be a good parent.

The choice is yours. Choose to know.
There are many factors that will influence your decision to parent. Things are not always as they seem. Let us help you sort through the facts so that you will be able to decide if parenting is the best choice for you. We will set you up with a referral/discharge personal care plan that is specifically suited to your needs.
Hope Family Resource Center
Hope Family Resource Center provides mentoring and education for young families. Clients, both men and women, may begin the curriculum as soon as they find out they’re pregnant, and continue until their child is 2 years old. Components of the parenting education program are flexible, and designed to meet your needs. Learn about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, sleep habits, discipline, budgeting, organizational skills, job applications, and many other areas, all based on your personal interests.
Earn Mommy Dollars or Daddy Bucks to spend in the Baby Boutique, where you’ll shop for new and gently used items for your baby, including diapers and wipes, formula, baby clothes, supplies and even furniture! At Hope Family Resource Center, they know that providing for the needs of your growing family can be difficult, and they want to help. Learn more about becoming the parent you were meant to be, while earning the things you need for your baby.
940 1st Ave E
Kalispell, Montana 59901